Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Going Back to Uganda!

Onesmus, Joel, Charles, & Eddie

Dear Family & Friends,

          We are greatly pleased to share with you all: God has given us an absolutely wonderful opportunity to travel to Uganda with Empower A Child (EAC), and walk along side His people of Uganda!

~ Lindsay:     After much prayer I will be traveling to Uganda this summer with a fellow friend and sister in Christ, Melissa Solter. Thoughts and ideas have been thrown around about traveling and doing missionary work; however, I never took the leap of faith that was needed. One day Melissa messaged me on Facebook and we somehow started joking about going to Africa. Somehow the conversation became so real so quick and after seeking the Lord this is happening. This is a huge step of faith for me. I am not one to want to go out of my way to talk to people. I am not one to travel away from my home let alone to the other side of the world but I am at peace. The Lord is no doubt calling me to Africa.
          While in Africa Melissa and I will be working with youth and Adults with possibilities to do anything from love on children to building someone a home. During the mission to Uganda I plan to utilize my abilities with youth. I am VERY excited to take my teaching abilities to Uganda. I LOVE to teach and although I am shy at first I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share across the world to children interested and a place in need of teachers. I also plan to utilize my abilities in athletics and art while working with the children and adults.
Romans 12:6- “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.”

~ Melissa:     I am very excited and pleased to inform you all: I have been given the most wonderful opportunity to travel back to Uganda with Empower A Child (EAC). My first mission trip to Uganda back in October 2012 was absolutely amazing and life changing! During my first trip, I met many people, made lasting & encouraging friendships, and had multitude of cherishing moments with the children. God’s plans far exceeded my plans, expectations and desires; the Holy Spirit led me to do things I never imagined I would do. When I was in Uganda we conducted ministries and out reaches in Kampala and Zirobwe. The ministries included: teaching English, children’s programs—praise & worship, Bible lesson, games—praising with high school students, volunteering at a babies’ home, visiting a children’s hospital, a feeding program, and Sunday children’s church. I am very much an in the background kind of person; however, God had other plans. I taught English kindergarten and 1st grade classes, spoke at a high school, taught a toddler Sunday school class, taught a Bible lesson to all the students at a primary school, and I sang & danced with the children. Those are things far beyond my comfort zone, and things I never thought I would actually work up a nerve to do; however, the Holy Spirit is powerful! Also, a good friend of mine, Lindsay, will be joining me on this journey!
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10

          The trip will be roughly from June 8th through August 14th. Since this is a big trip, a large sum of money is needed to be raised; good thing our God is grand! In order to make this trip happen we (together) need to raise roughly $8000 dollars in three months. This cost includes: living expenses, vaccinations (TONS of vaccinations :-)), travel insurance, airline tickets, a Visa, the administration fees and the stay itself. As you can see, this trip is costly and any donation you are able to provide is greatly appreciated! Also, Lindsay and I would love to bring soccer balls and dolls over for the children. Therefore, overflow of support will go towards purchasing those items for the children.

          If you feel led to support Lindsay and me financially, please send your greatly appreciated donation to:
Cornerstone Community Church
3167 Frankford Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Make checks payable to Cornerstone Community Church, and in the memo line write: Uganda Missions. Please include a note stating the donation is for Melissa’s and/or Lindsay’s Uganda mission trip.

          Also, please shower us with your prayers! Melissa has traveled to Africa before; however, Lindsay has not and this is a huge step in faith. Please pray for us to completely trust Jesus, funds to be raised in time (Three months to raise $8000, we are insane right?! No, as sure as Jesus called us, he will provide!), boldness to step out of our comfort zones, lives to be changed and our safety. Pray for our obedience to God’s calling that we may be instrumental to bringing the good news, that we will be filled with a loving and servant’s heart and for safety & well being. Pray for the people of Uganda. Additionally, in Spirit, pray for what is on your heart regarding us and our mission. Lastly, pray for us as our hearts are so filled and blessed with this opportunity, we stay focused on Jesus and make sure His will is done in all we do.
"God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful." 1 Thessalonians 5:24
"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." Matthew 21:22

* If you want to learn more about Empower A Child, please visit: www.empower-a-child.org
* You may visit Lindsay or Melissa’s blog for previous experience, additional & detailed information, updates and pictures throughout our mission:
~ Melissa- AServantsHeartHebrews6-10.blogspot.com
~ Lindsay- thecallforfaith@blogspot.com
* Feel free to e-mail us with any inquiries
~  Melissa- AServantsHeartHebrews6_10@Yahoo.com
~ Lindsay- acallforfaith@gmail.com

In Christ’s powerful & holy name,
Melissa Solter & Lindsay McKenna

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