Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heading Out!

Hello Friends!

Wonderful news: after a yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis A, and tetnaus shots, and flu shot for good keeping, and the purchase of tickets, I am ready to go!

I have a departure date!  I will be leaving this Sunday--September 30th @ 6:20pm.  I will arrive in Entebbe Uganda on Wednesday October 2nd @ 7:45am.  Where I'll be staying is 7 hours ahead; therefore, I'll be arriving Wednesday October 2nd @ 12:45am Eastern time.  I will leaving Uganda on Wednesday October 24th @ 9:10am (Wednesday October 24th @ 2:10am Eastern time), and I will arrive Wednesday October 24th @ 8:10pm.

I do have specifics as to what I'll will be doing; however, for general activities, you can refer to an earlier post.

There will be internet connection where I'll be staying (not the best, but something), and I will do my best to post updates--even if it's just a quick, I am alive, well, and safe. :-)

I want to thank God for the opportunity He has placed before to serve His people, and thanks to all who have supported me financially, prayer-fully, and encouraging[ly].

Please continue to pray for safety, well being, the Holy Spirit's presence, and for the people I will be ministering too!

As always, feel free to e-mail me @ AServantsHeartHebrews6_10@yahoo.com

With Christ's love,

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