Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Heading Out!

Hello Friends!

Wonderful news: after a yellow fever, typhoid, hepatitis A, and tetnaus shots, and flu shot for good keeping, and the purchase of tickets, I am ready to go!

I have a departure date!  I will be leaving this Sunday--September 30th @ 6:20pm.  I will arrive in Entebbe Uganda on Wednesday October 2nd @ 7:45am.  Where I'll be staying is 7 hours ahead; therefore, I'll be arriving Wednesday October 2nd @ 12:45am Eastern time.  I will leaving Uganda on Wednesday October 24th @ 9:10am (Wednesday October 24th @ 2:10am Eastern time), and I will arrive Wednesday October 24th @ 8:10pm.

I do have specifics as to what I'll will be doing; however, for general activities, you can refer to an earlier post.

There will be internet connection where I'll be staying (not the best, but something), and I will do my best to post updates--even if it's just a quick, I am alive, well, and safe. :-)

I want to thank God for the opportunity He has placed before to serve His people, and thanks to all who have supported me financially, prayer-fully, and encouraging[ly].

Please continue to pray for safety, well being, the Holy Spirit's presence, and for the people I will be ministering too!

As always, feel free to e-mail me @ AServantsHeartHebrews6_10@yahoo.com

With Christ's love,

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Setting A Date!

Hello Friends!

          Great news: I have raised enough support to go to Uganda!  Much praise to our Father above!  And a hugh thank you to all whom have given donations!  For a few lingering weeks I needed about $800--administration fee, vaccinations, and travel insurance.  This past weekend, I headed back to my Alma Mater with a friend, for a short, but most wonderful, weekend visit.  The friend (A) with whom I traveled, has gone to Uganda with the same organization (partially how my opportunity arose), and upon conversing with A, she graciously offered to pay the $200 administration fee!  And informed me that travel insurance is more expensive than just having money on hand for any medical coverage I may encounter.  Before the mother/father intuition / friend guardianship bears arms, there is a decent British run medical center close by, and is low cost.  A shared that friends of her's had made visits to the medical center, and received proper treatment, at affordable rates for missionaries!  Also, during my visit, 2 more of my friends graciously gave me support to cover my vaccinations!  Therefore, I have enough support!  I contacted a former doctor who has offered to administer my shots (for a cheap price, hence the 'low' cost) on the 18th, and after a 4 week waiting period, I am good to go.  I will be speaking with my home church (whom have been kindly collecting donations--a big thanks to our treasurer!), to work out the details of purchasing airline tickets.  I will be sure to keep in touch, and let you all know the departure dates as soon as possible.  Please keep the people of Uganda, the fellow volunteers, and myself in your prayers.  And, as always, feel free to e-mail me with any questions, comments, or concerns at AServantsHeartHebrews6_10@yahoo.com