Thursday, April 4, 2013


Hello Everyone,

Lindsay and I are selling Ugandan paper bead bracelets to help fund our mission trip.  The bracelets are from Uganda (much thanks to a friend for bringing them over to us while visiting the U.S), and they are made from paper.  The bracelets are $5.00, and $1.00 for shipping.  All profits will go towards funding our trip.  The bracelets are beautifully colored and hand crafted.  They make a great accessory, and gift!  Below I will post the designs, how many of each we have, and do my very best to keep the inventory up to date.  To make a purchase, use the 'Buy Now' at the top right of my page.  If you do not have Paypal, feel free to contact me regarding an alternate payment method.  When purchasing a bracelet, please tell us the design you want in the instruction section.  Also, you have to purchase 1 bracelet at a time--PayPal won't allow me to create a multi order button, I apologize for the inconvenience.  We greatly appreciate your support!  Note: we update our stock manually; therefore, if we receive multiple orders from multiple people and there is overlap, it's first purchase-first serve, and we'll e-mail you asking for an alternative design.  We apologize in advance; sorry any inconvenience.

If you would like to support us beyond purchasing a bracelet please feel free to contact us, or visit my previous post with our support letter. E-Mail:

Rustic Flyers (Sold Out)

Party (Sold Out)

Penelope (sold out)

Black Cherry (Sold Out)

Forest (Sold Out)

Kirby (Sold Out)

Fire & Ice (Sold Out)

R2-D2 (Sold Out)

Marshmellow (Sold Out)

Limestone (Sold Out)

Fire Wood (Sold Out)

Kandy Kane (Sold Out)

Darth Vader (Sold Out)

Toto (Sold Out)

Tigris (Sold Out)

Sunrise (Sold Out)

Funfeti (Sold Out)

Spunky (Sold Out)

Death Star (Sold Out)

Cheshire Cat (Sold Out)

Seashell (Sold Out)

Pinky and the Brain (Sold Out)

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Going Back to Uganda!

Onesmus, Joel, Charles, & Eddie

Dear Family & Friends,

          We are greatly pleased to share with you all: God has given us an absolutely wonderful opportunity to travel to Uganda with Empower A Child (EAC), and walk along side His people of Uganda!

~ Lindsay:     After much prayer I will be traveling to Uganda this summer with a fellow friend and sister in Christ, Melissa Solter. Thoughts and ideas have been thrown around about traveling and doing missionary work; however, I never took the leap of faith that was needed. One day Melissa messaged me on Facebook and we somehow started joking about going to Africa. Somehow the conversation became so real so quick and after seeking the Lord this is happening. This is a huge step of faith for me. I am not one to want to go out of my way to talk to people. I am not one to travel away from my home let alone to the other side of the world but I am at peace. The Lord is no doubt calling me to Africa.
          While in Africa Melissa and I will be working with youth and Adults with possibilities to do anything from love on children to building someone a home. During the mission to Uganda I plan to utilize my abilities with youth. I am VERY excited to take my teaching abilities to Uganda. I LOVE to teach and although I am shy at first I am thrilled to have the opportunity to share across the world to children interested and a place in need of teachers. I also plan to utilize my abilities in athletics and art while working with the children and adults.
Romans 12:6- “Having gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, let us use them.”

~ Melissa:     I am very excited and pleased to inform you all: I have been given the most wonderful opportunity to travel back to Uganda with Empower A Child (EAC). My first mission trip to Uganda back in October 2012 was absolutely amazing and life changing! During my first trip, I met many people, made lasting & encouraging friendships, and had multitude of cherishing moments with the children. God’s plans far exceeded my plans, expectations and desires; the Holy Spirit led me to do things I never imagined I would do. When I was in Uganda we conducted ministries and out reaches in Kampala and Zirobwe. The ministries included: teaching English, children’s programs—praise & worship, Bible lesson, games—praising with high school students, volunteering at a babies’ home, visiting a children’s hospital, a feeding program, and Sunday children’s church. I am very much an in the background kind of person; however, God had other plans. I taught English kindergarten and 1st grade classes, spoke at a high school, taught a toddler Sunday school class, taught a Bible lesson to all the students at a primary school, and I sang & danced with the children. Those are things far beyond my comfort zone, and things I never thought I would actually work up a nerve to do; however, the Holy Spirit is powerful! Also, a good friend of mine, Lindsay, will be joining me on this journey!
“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10

          The trip will be roughly from June 8th through August 14th. Since this is a big trip, a large sum of money is needed to be raised; good thing our God is grand! In order to make this trip happen we (together) need to raise roughly $8000 dollars in three months. This cost includes: living expenses, vaccinations (TONS of vaccinations :-)), travel insurance, airline tickets, a Visa, the administration fees and the stay itself. As you can see, this trip is costly and any donation you are able to provide is greatly appreciated! Also, Lindsay and I would love to bring soccer balls and dolls over for the children. Therefore, overflow of support will go towards purchasing those items for the children.

          If you feel led to support Lindsay and me financially, please send your greatly appreciated donation to:
Cornerstone Community Church
3167 Frankford Ave
Philadelphia, PA 19134
Make checks payable to Cornerstone Community Church, and in the memo line write: Uganda Missions. Please include a note stating the donation is for Melissa’s and/or Lindsay’s Uganda mission trip.

          Also, please shower us with your prayers! Melissa has traveled to Africa before; however, Lindsay has not and this is a huge step in faith. Please pray for us to completely trust Jesus, funds to be raised in time (Three months to raise $8000, we are insane right?! No, as sure as Jesus called us, he will provide!), boldness to step out of our comfort zones, lives to be changed and our safety. Pray for our obedience to God’s calling that we may be instrumental to bringing the good news, that we will be filled with a loving and servant’s heart and for safety & well being. Pray for the people of Uganda. Additionally, in Spirit, pray for what is on your heart regarding us and our mission. Lastly, pray for us as our hearts are so filled and blessed with this opportunity, we stay focused on Jesus and make sure His will is done in all we do.
"God will make this happen, for he who calls you is faithful." 1 Thessalonians 5:24
"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." Matthew 21:22

* If you want to learn more about Empower A Child, please visit:
* You may visit Lindsay or Melissa’s blog for previous experience, additional & detailed information, updates and pictures throughout our mission:
~ Melissa-
~ Lindsay-
* Feel free to e-mail us with any inquiries
~  Melissa-
~ Lindsay-

In Christ’s powerful & holy name,
Melissa Solter & Lindsay McKenna

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Brainstorm Primary School


          One of the projects involved going to a primary (equivalent to kindergarten through early middle school) called New Brainstorm Primary School. This school is sponsored by Empower A Child, and provides free education for children whose families are unable to pay the school fees for education provided through the government run schools.


We would go there once a week to conduct a program involving praise & worship, a Bible story, and games. Then the older children would go to class for an extra teaching session, taught by EAC volunteers, while the little ones continue to play and hang out with the other volunteers. My first time there an older girl named Rose came up to me and she instantly attached herself to me.

Rose and me

Rose stuck by my side, introduced me to her best friend Nakato and Nakato’s twin brother Jonathan.

Rose, Nakato, & Jonathan

When it came time for the older children to go to class, she brought me along, and I ended up sitting in with her class, observing, and helping the EAC volunteer teacher.

Rose's class

New Brainstorm is placed in a small sectioned off area with 2 very small classrooms built with cement, and 4 other very small classrooms built with broken wood.

The cement classrooms
The wooden classrooms

These classrooms consisted of little faulty benches and tables where there was certainly not enough room for all the children. Even with little space, to the point of every child having their left and right side touching each other, dirt and dust ground, unstable walls and roof, no lighting, broken pencils, small flimsy notebooks, and terrible ‘chalkboards’ the children were thrilled to be in school learning and having the EAC volunteers excited them very much.

Auntie Kelsey's class
Auntie Emily's class
Auntie Shannon's class

          As I observed my fellow EAC volunteer teach her class, I thought to myself, “I could do that; I could teach a class here. Certainly, I could. Look at these children; they are soaking up every bit of it.” For anyone who knows me, I am certain that thought came as a shock, as it did for me; I remember later asking myself, “Who was that person talking to me?” Surely it was not me claiming I could teach a class. Also, earlier during the Bible lesson, when one of the EAC volunteers was teaching the whole group of students, I too found myself, telling myself “I could do this; I could teach the children a Bible lesson. It’s a children’s Bible lesson, in front of children who are eager to listen.” Again, who was that talking to me? Certainly, those thoughts were not my own; I am not one for standing before people, and most certainly not one for teaching. I have always turned down teaching, and insisted upon being a helper in classes. I am a ‘in the background kind of person;’ not a front person. Well, later I realized those thoughts of “I can teach” were not my own, and they were the Holy Spirit’s assuring me, I am capable. At my first weekly Friday planning meeting, I had volunteered to teach the Bible lesson for the students at large. Crazy and unbelievable, that I willingly volunteered to teach? Absolutely! I was quite shocked myself; however, I was excited. At our next visit to New Brainstorm, I taught the children about Zacchaeus, and it went very well!


And sure enough, my last week there I ended up teaching a P1 (kindergarten) and P2 (1st grade) English class. That was a little more on the side of unwilling, because though the Holy Spirit was telling me “You can do it” I was not so convinced; however, with the help of 2 EAC volunteers and friends, it went well!


Friday, March 8, 2013

The Beginning of a New Journey

          My trip to Uganda was truly amazing and the experience of a lifetime! God had so many wonderful things planned for my visit, and His plans far exceeded anything I could have imagined.

New Brainstorm Primary students

A very good friend of mine had gone to Uganda with the same organization and she helped me abundantly prepare as much as she could; however, I was essentially going into this blind. Taking into account the information packet, my friend’s advice, and my thought and expectations, none of those prepared me for God’s plans. I traveled to Uganda by myself, with the hope of someone I never met would be at the airport to pick me up and then I would spend the next 3 weeks there with people I never met and in a completely new place. It takes a great and powerful step of faith in God to travel to a completely foreign place, alone, around new people; a faith I never really thought I would embody. Though I was greatly willing to ravel to a new and far place, never did I think I would do it with just the Holy Spirit by my side.

Neighborhood children

          During my time in Uganda, I gained a new trust in God, a new love for Jesus, and a new faith in the Holy Spirit. I experienced the Holy Spirit like I have never experienced before; God’s presence was vast and my reliance on the Holy Spirit was something I did not think I could ever attain. As I unfold my story, I will share with you the wonderful things God had planned for me, and the amazing works of the Holy Spirit.

David teaching at Victory Primary School

          Being raised in an inner city of the United States has its hardship and poverty; however, id does not fully prepare a person for the poverty of a developing nation. Though, there are parallels to residing in the inner city and a developing nation, and as I witnessed, similar experiences can be shared; testimonies can be relevant.

Girls from the village

          The ride from Entebbe airport to Ntinda, Kampala was about an hour or so during the morning. As I sat in the van looking out the window, taking in my surroundings, the images I had formed in my mind before arrival erased, and Uganda became a real place. Ever since I was a young child I wanted to travel the world. Then, as I grew older and learned more about the vast world, my wanting to see the world transformed into a great desire to experience the world and walk among the indigenous. I long to go beyond sightseeing and see the world as its true value—God’s people, their culture, traditions, and all they have to offer as fellow persons.


          I arrived to the house late morning and spend the day trying to recover from jet lag, lack of sleep, time change, names, workings of the house, and gathering as much information about the projects as I can. I wanted to be prepared for the various projects; however, as much as my fellow MSTs (ministry support team) informed me, I was not fully prepared, or willing for that matter, for what the projects had in store.
Village children during Sunday children's church

          My second day is when I experienced my first project and it was crazy what God did. We went to Katalemwa Children’s hospital. This is where children received treatment (similar to a rehabilitation center) for their various surgeries. When we gathered in the classroom with the children, one of the Ugandan staff asked the children if they know the MSTs names. After the children named as many as they could, the staff member asked all the MSTs to come to the front so we may introduce ourselves. My immediate though was “oh no, I have to speak in front everyone. I can do this. I can do this. It’s just children and fellow workers.” Well, we did not talk. We gathered at the front and they started clapping, beating on a drum and singing. I went into instant panic mode. For those who do not know, I do not sing out loud in front of people; my talking voice is terrible enough, so my singing voice is even worse, and I just do not sing. Also, I do not know this song; no one told me about us introducing ourselves in song. Thankfully, I was near the end; therefore, I had some time to quickly pick up the words. Then not only did they sing, each one of us had to do a little dance—at least I could do that. I immediately called upon the Lord to calm me down, because I had gone into such a panic I was shaking. Then Holy Spirit had come forth and when it was my turn I did well; I only needed help with one line. When we finished, I had greatly hoped that we would not be doing that again, since we had a great number of various projects; however, deep down, I just knew this was a regular activity at the projects. Sure enough, every project involving children, we sand an introduction song, and I grew to love it and very much loved singing and dancing with the children. After the introduction, we would sing a few children’s praise and worship songs.

New Brainstorm Primary School students

          The children at Katalemwa are such sweethearts; they love to sing, clap, and dance in their chairs. My first time there, we sat behind the children on benches, while the children sat around the table. During the activities, a tiny little girl whom looked to be about 4, turned her head and looked at me. I smiled at her and she had these big, beautiful, shinny brown eyes with long eye lashes glaring back at me, with a huge smile, but ducked her head behind her arm and shoulder with a shy demeanor. My last Wednesday at Katalemwa, Jayan—one of the Ugandan staff—decided that in place of a story, we would pair up one-on-one with the children and get to know them, since we did not get much conversational time with the children. I was paired with the tiny girl I exchanged smiles with my first time visiting, and I learned that her name is Charity. She was at Katalemwa with her mom, and Charity had knee surgery. Charity shared that she has 2 sisters, and her father is around; however, her father does not like her. My heart broke when Charity shared that with me; however, I shared with her that, while we have our earthy fathers, we have God as our father, and He deeply loves us!

Claire and me

*We are not permitted to take pictures at Katalemwa; therefore, I am sad to say have none to share with you all.