Saturday, October 6, 2012

I am in Uganda!

Hello everyone!

I finally made it to Uganda! Good is good! After a year and 4 months the plans came together, and here I am: half way around the world serving God and His beautiful people!

I was so excited to come to Uganda; however, shortly leading up to my departure I started to doubt my decision, and during my journey here I found myself questioning: was this the right decision? Can I even do this? Should I turn around? But I know God's plans are perfect and if I did not come, I would not fufill what God has in store for me.

God has some amazing and big plans for me while here in Uganda! I have gone so far out of my comfort and I am continually baffeled by the Holy Spirit's power. I have stood up in front of child, teens, and adults to sing, dance, and introduce myself with no fear. I assisted with teaching 2 primary school classes, because I had to and I said I am not one for teaching, but great in the background. Well, God said while you are great in the back workings, you were created for more. I suddenly became filled with the Holy Spirit and became excited to sign up to teach the children. Thus, I signed up to teach the whole group of children at one of the primary schools! Never had I imaged that the day would come when I would willingly go before a group of people, filled with great excitement, and speak! Recently, God has been doing some amazing 'courage' workings in my life. I have become more grounded, and through that, courage has built, and I have spoken up. My trust and faith in Jesus shows me that I am capable of rising up and doing more. It's not fear that I have, it's doubt, but with the Holy Spirit, no one can be against me and I can do all things through Christ! Four days into taking part in different ministries, I sit here with much more confidence, and there are still more days to come!

The children, terns, and adults here in Uganda are amazing, wonderful, welcoming, friendly, and filled with much love and gratitude. The children are always calling for us and want nothing more than our presence, to just hold our hands, sing with them, and to play. They always greet us and ask how we are doing. The teens who participate in Scripture Union--praise and worship, at their school--during their lunch time, give up their lunch to fellowship with each other, sing songs of praise and give words of encouragement. They are amazingly spirit filled and want to share in their faith! It's an amazing ministry and I am beyond thankful for the opportunity to participate. The adults are so welcoming and grateful for our willingness to serve and work alongside them.

I am abundantly blessed by my passion to travel and serve God's beautiful people! And I am excited to see what else God has in store for me while in Uganda!

Continued prayers are always needed and appreciated!

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