Wednesday, August 15, 2012



Praise given to God!  And big thank you to all who have supported me!  I have raised a little over $2000.  My goal is $4000--to cover all cost--however, if airline tickets continue to average $1400, I may be able to pull off having enough support sooner!  Also, in communicating with the volunteer director, my departure 'date' has been moved to mid September; this is helpful because, I still have a good chunk of financial support I still need to raise, and this will give me some more time to prepare.  Your continued prayers are greatly appreciated!  And, as always, feel free to e-mail me at

Thursday, August 2, 2012



As a preparation for my volunteer trip to Uganda, I am required to read a lengthy orientation packet. The orientation packet contains a description of the various outreach ministries I will have the opportunities to take part in. Here are the descriptions of the outreach ministries:

“As a team we minister to different projects and schools where children and youth live or go to school. Each week go on 4 to 8 outreaches and minister to over 200 children. We play games, make crafts, share Bible stories, praise and worship, perform skits, lead panel discussions, disciple, share and counsel in small groups on topics relevant to the particular age group. Topics range from character building and living a lifestyle of integrity, to HIV/AIDS awareness and prevention, to obeying authority figures.

Victory and Wankuluku Primary School
These are primary schools set-up for orphans and vulnerable children in slums of Kampala. Many children who attend this school live with a mother, aunt or uncle, or grandparents along with many siblings and/or cousins. Even though primary education is cheaper in Uganda a parent or guardian with an income of $30 - $75 a month simply cannot afford to send many children to school. Often these children only receive one meal a day, so we started a feeding program at these two schools.

Secondary Schools
Secondary Schools are a similar age group to high school students. Each school usually has a Scripture Union, which meets once a week during the students lunch hour. We are invited to different schools every week to be guest speakers at their Scripture Union and encourage those who are Christians and facing the pressures that teenagers face and share the Gospel with those who may not have a personal relationship with Christ.

Katalemwa is a hospital for children with severely broken limbs and disabilities. Children come here from all over East Africa, Kenya, Tanzania, Congo, and Sudan to be treated in the hospital. Many come from war torn regions and cannot afford to pay for the surgeries. However, an international surgeon offers them free of charge as a service to them. We go visit the children in the hospital sing songs, teach Bible stories and have a time of crafts with them.

Sanyu Babies Home
This is a home for babies up to 5 years old. Some have been abandoned, some parents have died, other parents cannot afford to care for them. We go play with them, sing songs, wash windows, cut firewood, wash clothes, change diapers, and help feed the babies lunch.

Remand Home
The Remand Home is a variation of a juvenile hall. Along with housing young offenders it also is home to street children and orphans. Many times the teens in the home have not committed any crime they have just been wrongfully accused or dropped there because a guardian may not want the burden of caring for them any longer. The teens in the Remand Home have often faced difficult circumstances, living on the streets, trying to escape the war in northern Uganda, or kicked out of a relatives’ place after their parents have died. Many teens whom have lost hope have found hope in Christ through our weekly outreaches.

Kids In Need
This is a rehabilitation home for street children of Kampala. Kids who wish to leave their life on the street can find refuge at this center where they’ll find food, shelter, counseling, education.”

Empower A Child Orientation Packet

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