Thursday, July 26, 2012

Support and A Winding Clock!


          After a month, I have reached $1750!  Much praise to Jesus!  And a huge thank you to those who have supported me financially; you are greatly appreciated!  Also, for my prayer warriors, please continue to pray for me as I still have about $2000 (or more) to raise.  The plan is still to leave on August 26; just a few weeks down the calender.  Additionally, as of a few minutes ago, my search on Orbitz provided flights costing approximately $1400.  That is the lowest I have seen thus far; as you may know flights tend to be cheaper the more in advanced they are purchased.  Prayerfully, tickets will remain at low cost for the duration of my support raising.  Thank you for checking in, for your prayers, and support!  As always, feel free to e-mail me at AServantsHeartHebrews6_10@