Friday, June 22, 2012


Welcome to my support raising blog for missions in Uganda!

          My name is Melissa, and I would first like to thank you for taking the time to learn and consider supporting me and my call to be a part of serving the people in Uganda.

          I have recently graduated from college with a degree in Criminology, aspiring to work with youth—specifically, I want to work with juveniles. I embody a vast desire to minister, serve, encourage, and assist the youth of our world; they are our growing future, and I want to invest in them, because each one holds an important place in this world. Additionally, I want to spread my desire of caring for children, to all the ends of the earth!

My brief testimony:
          As Jesus continues to fill my cup, my life continuously overflows with great abundance. Psalm 23:5 “…my cup runneth over.” I am filled with great joy! God has been working tremendously in my life. For many years I struggled with my faith, lacked in trusting God, and my relationship with Jesus had been up and down, but mostly down. However, on June 16th, 2008, my life had completely changed and it has never been the same. In the 9 months leading up to that day I had been walking away from the Lord, and on May 30th, 2008 is when I completely shut God out of my life. But on June 16th, 2008, while I had been sitting quietly next to a person—who has done more for me than she will ever know—in the only place I had been able to find peace, in the mist of enduring my broken life, I recommitted my life to Jesus. II Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; the old has gone, the new has come!” God revealed His self to me and let me know that He never left my side, even when I left His. Since that day, my walk with Jesus has become more powerful with each passing day. I now turn to God for everything; I am praying and seeking His will.

          I have been given a wonderful opportunity to travel to Uganda and serve the people residing within the communities! While there I will be ministering to and interacting with the adults and youth. Activities will range from playing with children, to digging out wells, to construction.

“For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

          I will be volunteering with the organization Empower A Child. This organization conducts volunteer opportunities in Uganda and Kenya, and Empower A Child is greatly involved within the communities where they are based. To learn more about Empower A Child, you can visit their website:

“Each one should use whatever gift he has received to serve others, faithfully administering God’s grace in its various forms.” I Peter 4:10

          My goal is to leave for Uganda late August/early September (specific dates are being worked out). Therefore, it is preferred that I have my support raised by August 1st, 2012. This trip is costly and any donation will certainly help and be great appreciated! I will need to raise approximately $4,500. I will be staying at least 2 weeks; however, it is my goal to stay 4 weeks, if I can raise enough.

Here is the breakdown of finances:
          2 weeks - $800
          (4 weeks - $1,000)
          Airline tickets – Approx. $2,000
          Travel insurance – Approx. $350
          Vaccinations – Approx. $450
          Visa - $50
          Administration fee - $200
          Living expenses - $200

You may help support me by making any suggested donation, made by you, to help me take part in this wonderful opportunity set before me. Please, send your donations to:

Cornerstone Community Church
3167 Frankford Ave.
Philadelphia, PA 19134

Please make checks payable to Cornerstone Community Church, and in the memo line write: Uganda Missions. With the check write a note stating the check is a donation for Melissa Solter.

          Also, another way you can support me is through prayer. I will need prayer for travel, confidence, health, openness, and quieting of my heart. I will be reaching out to adults and children; therefore, I will need the Holy Spirit’s guidance, as well as listening for God’s direction. Additionally, please pray for the people of Uganda; pray they are/will be filled with the love of Jesus, will be blessed, and openly receive God’s message. Moreover, pray for their health and well being.

"You can pray for anything, and if you have faith, you will receive it." Matthew 21:22

Be sure to check back for updates, as I will be letting you all know my progress!

Lastly, feel free to e-mail me with any inquiries or comments.